
Friday highlights

We didn't see much art in Sweden and we weren't able to trek out to the immigration museum in Fittja either.
Today we made an effort to remedy the situation (albeit in Japan) by going to an art exhibition held as a "pilot project" for the establishment of The Tokyo Immigration Museum http://www.immigration-museum-tokyo.org/.

On our way to the venue we happened upon a cafe that served really cute coffee.

The exhibition itself consisted of works by three non-Japanese artist living in Japan and three Japanese "locals".

The work that resonated most with me was sound collage (put together by one of the locals) with everyday city sounds that apparently stick out to foreigners.
This quite simple installation brought back lots of memories from my first years in Japan.
Y's favorite was a series of anecdotes from non-Japanese about toilet visits. It sounds much ruder than it actually was - six texts illustrated by pictures you viewed through a small peephole.

After seeing the exhibits we had chat with the staff who asked where we had come from (in Japan) and so forth. We in turn asked about how far along the establishment of the museum had come but were answered that it wasn't certain whether the would ever be a physical Museum of Immigration. For the time being they seem to be satisfied with just an organization and annual exhibitions.
Also, they are more interested in art and dialog than fact distribution, so the museum will be a place for reflection rather than study.
Anyway, I signed up for the mailing list wo well see what they'll do in the future.

We continued our outing with a visit to a friend with a child. The poor boy of ten months wailed as if stung when we came but took too Y after a while. I was not accepted at all. Quite shocking to me considering I played with him for hours the last time I saw him. Apparently I've grown terrifying these last few months.