Here comes our blog!
We heard family voices, which made us realize it is needed to share a little bit of our life.
So, we try to keep our everyday(?) repot on this blog.
We had a big fight last night.
A doesn't wanna change his way
and I don't either.
There is no negotiation between us.
I started seeing a counselor and a doctor
as A told me to do and I hated to do it.
I take medicines which I know are addictive.
I tried to change, at least.
A still declines when I ask him to do what I want
and tells me what to do and what not to do.
Even if he are kind enough to do what I want to do,
his face tells me how awful he's feeling.
I am sick of this.
And I can't meet someone who has the same hobby as me
unless A know and likes the person.
I am sick of living like this.
I've told A many times how I feel.
Nothing changed.
Why should we live together?
Whenever we talk, we fight.
What's good about it?
I realized when I was seventeen. I remember it very clearly. I remember looking at a dogーshit on the pavement and suddenly realized, there it is ー this is what life is like.
I feel like I'm the only one who wants to write this blog.
I've been busy thinking of us.
Of course, my parti-time jobS kill me.
I may keep being told that I am sick forever.
But there are people who don't look me like that.
I started to make new friends.
Good for me, I hope.
We went to National Museum of Western Art in Ueno yesterday.
We ( A & Y) and our friends, H from South Korea and Y from Brazil.
We are all in our doctor's course and have the same part-time job at the library.
Except for A.
I liked this.
The man behind is Raffaello himself.
But there are various opinions on who the man in front of him is.
I liked the one that says the man is an image of his inner self.
I had an audio guide which A payed.
Because recently I can't read long texts well and it is so tiring to go through a bunch of people to get close to read the descriptions beside the paintings.
Thanks to the audio guide, I didn't get so tired this time.
I should have one always even it costs.
We had fika then went home.
I don't know why, but I didn't get so tired today.
There is a man wandering in our neighbors.
He's always talking with someone whenever we see him.
The day before yesterday, we went for a walk for Vitgris.
We released him in the small grass area near our house.
Then the man came and started talking to us.
He told which grass rabbits can eat
and warn us that there are many places that weed killer has been scattered.
We took as much grass as we can and say good-by to him.
Then he said it was his garden.
Wow, he should have told us that first.
I didn't remember whether I should say thank you or sorry
in Japanese in the case like this.
Well, it seemed quite okay to pick some grass from his garden.
He had many interesting stories.
I hope we can talk with him soon sometime.
I had black out yesterday.
It was the second time that I had it during daytime.
I can think of some reasons.
And I see the sequence or how it happens.
1. lack of sleeping for a couple of weeks
2. take 2 sleeping pills instead of 1 the night before
3. drink alcohol during the day
4. blackout
5. came back better
6. go back to 1.
Yesterday, I was with Yamako.
She helped me a lot.
She called my part-time work place and explained that I didn't feel well.
Then she called a taxi and took me to the bed.
She missed her appointment at the clinic she really needed.
I feel bad.
How can I stop this?
Really, he's a teenager.
But even so he can't walk properly on the flooring so Y found him these soft tiles that will hopefully give better purchase (but still be easy to clean in case o wet accidents).
Hopefully this doesn't lead to neon-colored poop from eating the mat.
So, now it's obvious that I am drunk even in the morning, even at school.
I can't meet people without being prepared with some alcohol.
A suggested me to see a special doctor.
But you know, who cares.
who cares I am drunk?
As long as I say YES and I do my job well,
no one wants to know how I am or how I feel.
All I have to do is to be a part of the whole system.
No objection.
No passion.
Why am I doing like this?
What's the meaning of life?
I've been drinking since this morning.
I had lunch twice and still eating 1kg of beef steak, ramen, soba, udon and more.
And I will go and but more when I eat them up.
A explained what wedding fair is on the last article.
So, I skip it.
Actually, we had fun.
We had to talk about when and how we want to have our imaginary wedding
but we also learned a lot about how others do and like.
After one hour of discussion,
we got food tasting.
Today we're heading out to pose as prospective wedding celebratees.
That is, we will claim to plan a wedding feast, and let a wedding halls give us free food in an effort to get our business.
If it's not to painful to deflect the sales pitch that will surely accompany the food, we might do this many times.
My job, at home and at work, is to perform native checks.... of English....
It's such a fraud. But Y is aware of the fact, and says I'm performing 50% of a native check.
At work, I think I'm rated higher than that. My judgment is called for, not only concerning English, but also French, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Danish and various other languages.
Great fun.
Yesterday, my co-leagues, A and I went to eat Indian food in Musashisakai.
It was named " Biriyani Night".
But I wasn't sure what it was.
First, a delicious salad bowl came.
I got a call from my father this morning.
A big shake in Awaji,
where my youngest sister, Kyoko lives.
She is alright.
It wasn't big as 3.11
but was the biggest after 3.11.
Awaji has experienced a huge earthquake in 1995.
So, most of the buildings are new
and no serious damages this time.
Humans learn and become strong.
By the way,
Vitgris comes to me for grass.
And he follows me around.
So cute.
We are trying to get him used to the harness so we can take him out to the park, but it's not easy.
He refuses to put his legs through the holes. So as a first step I'm trying to get him to accept on his back.
He doesn't.
But I'm more persistent then he is.
Soon, we'll post a picture of Vitgris on a leash munching fresh, green grass.
This morning, I found something wrong with Bättreo.
He hadn't had much appetite.
I should have noticed that the water was poisoned
by stones which we decorated near an oil bottle.
A little bit of oil leaked from the oil bottle
and the stones were coated by the oil.
Stupid me.
I put them in the aquarium.
I washed them well though.
So, when I checked him this morning,
he could hardly swim.
He was just floating on his side.
It was a scary moment.
A and I took out all the stones
and put him in fresh water.
When we came home this evening,
he seemd to have gotten better.
But still sometimes he is like this.
Will he be like this forever?
Did I poison him like a tanker
leaking oil in the Pacific Ocean?
I was about to go and buy something to eat.
And I knew I was gonna buy so much and eat them all.
It's hard not to lose control when I'm alone.
A started working this April.
I'm at home alone from 9 to 20.
But Vitgris came to me and said "booboo".
(Rabbits actually sound like that.)
Thank you, Vitgris.
I'll let you eat fresh grass instead of letting myself eat too much.
It's not about the money.
We don't need buying.
I just wanna be creative.
Forget about the time loss.
Vitgris likes to stay still under our dining table.
We struggled to get him back in the cage last night.
A found him outside the cage in the middle of night.
It took him about 40 mins to get him back.
All of these are because we were told that
we shouldn't touch Vitgris until a week passes.
And we can't close the top (loof) of the cage
bacause Bätterio's aquarium are higher than that.
According to a staff at the pet shop,
Vitgris needs one week to get used to the new surrounding.
But he is already not afraid of going in out toilet and have a rest.
Now, he's running back and forth in the kitchen and my room.
I don't think he's not ready.
But rabbits can be dead by just holding up
if they get so surprised.
So, I let him do whatever he wants to for a while.
Yesterday, I got a text message from my father.
He said he learns a lot from our blog.
First, I thought it was that he mentioned English.
But it wasn't.
What he mentioned is actually the contents,
what we (mainly I) write.
I've been given a lot from him since I was born.
But can I give him something now?
Oh, he also said he had some comments on A's Japanese.
But he've never written in Japanese since this blog started.
At least, my father hasn't checked his diary from mixi,
it means he thought my Japanese is a bit odd.
I've written in my dialect.
As my family are separated in Fukuoka and Ehime,
We speak a little differently.
Is that why?